it's really hard to say goodbye to someone whom you've known like for more than a decade.. if i were to ask, i wouldn't let her go but what can i do? if i was her i would also wish or plan to go to another country to have a work that is suitable for me, living in country were finding a job or employment rate is very low... i was hoping or wish that i can go with her but not until i finish my studies.. well anyway she promise that she will come to my graduation day (hopefully soon...) and i know she will cause she say's so that she'll be here a year after... and if ever i plan to go abroad she promised that she will help me in anyway she can.. ask her 3 days ago what it will be like there living all alone...? she answered then that it will be really hard for me, but i know i can do this'.. that was her answer... we kept teasing her together with our friend that she can't do it and it would not take too long before she will be back here in the philippines, because the truth is we'll be really missing her so much.. she always plead to us that we must not make it hard for her and she needed our full support.. and it is what we are going to do. well i hope and i know that she'll be fine there with the people around her who's in full support in everything she does and so do i...
saying goodbye is damn so hard you know. Gosshhhh...made me remember of someone...oops...
jud... as in super...
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